Tuesday, February 2, 2010

From Sunrise to Sunset

So it is official..I have completed my first day with the Dillards corp and am on to day 2! It was a great day yesterday and everyone I met was so very nice but the only thing was..i had to leave when the moon was still up to get there in time! Gotta love Big D's traffic! I learned a lot yesterday and am going to be a busy bee but i cannot wait!

The craziest part of the day..when I was in Nordstrom I ran into the mother of a girl I grew up with in Ft.Smith! Talk about a small world! I guess it goes to show no matter where you go a little piece of home is bound to find you :)

I am off to begin the fun commute to downtown this morning but I love and miss you all so very much and hope all is going great back at home!

Much Love,


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