Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Day As A True Texan..Yee-Haw!

So its official.. I am a true Texan! The boxes are unpacked and the decorating is done (thanks to my dad's "inner self" coming out) and its officially the first day to breathe the unusually cold Texas air! Its just crazy to believe I was working in Bentonville, AR at the first part of the week and am now in Frisco Texas about to start a new chapter of my life in all the time span of 7 days.

In less than 24 hours I will start my new venture as part of management with Dillards training, staffing, managing, their cosmetics division . I cannot wait to get back to my love...cosmetics! I have loved every job I have had in cosmetics from my beginnings as an intern in college at a makeup boutique, to training at Bare Escentuals, to the best part of it all..having my own store. After the store closed I tried my hand in the corporate world working at a broker firm for Walmart Vendors and while it was a wonderful learning experience and I met some of the best people in the world there it was time to realize I need to something that I have passion in, and that is in the beauty world.

My first week this week will be filled with lots of training, and lots of traffic! I feel like my welcome to Dallas present is...traffic!

I miss all of my family back home and dear friends but I know the next chapter in my life is just about to begin!